You’re Not Basic. So Stop Trying To Build A Basic Business.
Ever notice just how blah and boring most business advice is?
Obviously, you want to build a business that helps people and makes money while you do it.
But why does that mean becoming a digital wallflower?
Building my online platform is something I’m genuinely proud of.
But it didn’t come without a few bumps in the road.
Let me tell you, I over-the-top confused and overwhelmed in the beginning.
I’ve suffered from my own self-doubt.
I’ve pushed myself to do the “right” thing over the thing I wanted to do.
I struggled to truly go after my vision because…well, I couldn’t possibly do that could I?
If you’re multi-passionate and craving freedom (like me) then you know just how difficult it can be.
We’ve been taught for so long that we need to be more palatable. Do the popular thing. Try to fit in.
But guess what?
For people like us, that just doesn’t work.
Whether you’re ADHD, neurodivergent, a manifesting generator or just naturally passionate about anything and everything, listen up!
Your energy is your magic.
The more you try to fit in, blend in, be normal and corporate and boring, the less success will find you. That’s because you’re choking off your own inner magnetism and natural gifts.
If any of that seems familiar, let me ask you: are you struggling to find your audience? Not quite sure what to say when you post? And finally, are you having trouble making actual income from your side-hustle or business?
Babes. Take it from me.
Stop trying to be someone you’re not.
It’s time to do the brave thing and show up as you.
The real, magical, powerful, authentic you.
Turns out, that was your only job, this whole time!
And when you really get this, it’s amazing at how many of the other supposedly-missing pieces pop into place.
But I know how it goes.
When you start off in business, you think everyone else knows so much more than you do.
So you might also start to think, that if I just copy what everyone else is doing then I’ll be successful too.
But no one wants a second-rate version of someone else. If they want Amy Porterfield, they can have Amy Porterfield! (Fill in the blank with your favorite coach, influencer, etc.)
No one needed or wanted you to be Amy Porterfield in the first place.
Here’s What’s Really Going On:
This subtle need to be a bit fake and pretend to be someone other than who we really are is rooted in one thing.
Your self-doubt thoughts. Your fears. Your imposter syndrome and even your confusion and overwhelm.
It’s all rooted in shame.
Because if it was safe to show up online as your genuine self, then wouldn’t you want to do it?
Shame is the idea that there’s something deeply wrong with us. In business, this causes us to hide ourselves or our message because
We hide away our magic behind a professional mask because we think there’s no possible way people would like us for us.
I mean that would be crazy, right?
Everything that makes you hide your true self in your business is also holding you back from your true potential.
So let’s rip off the bandaid and show the world who you really are.
It’s time to build your powerful business being the authentic version of you.
Here’s The Solution
Let’s release your shame, fear, and imposter syndrome while building your personal brand.
Why You Need The Inner Work:
In both business and in life life, the inner work is how you create the outer results.
When you release shame, you unleash your true magic on the world.
After all, you can’t create a castle on a shaky foundation!
But when you get that foundation right, you suddenly become unstoppable..
You won’t get confused about what to say or do. You can just show up as yourself and boom! Your clients and customers will find you.
Why You Need A Personal Brand
At the same time, we’ll focus on building your personal brand. This is the key to building a business that supports your multi-passionate nature.
Instead of starting five new businesses, you focus on promoting yourself. And from there, you’re able to start any project you damn well feel like!
The biggest thing that stops people from building their personal brand is their self-doubt. Which is exactly why you need to work on both things at the same time.
Most coaches will focus on strategy or mindset.
But I know you need both mind healing and strategy to make your business dreams come true.
The Container
Now for the deets!
· 3-month container
· 9 x 50 minute coaching calls (3 per month)
· My healing energy + 10+ years of online business prowess focused on elevating your mindset and brand
· Cost: $1500
Does this sound like you? Already dying to work with me? Or maybe you’re interested in jumping on a quick call to confirm we’re a good match?