5 Essential Elements of a High Converting Website
If you’re a coach or goods or service provider, you need a website of your very own.
Sure, we all love cute designs and pretty color schemes. But at the end of the day, your website serves one very important function: to create sales. (aka be high-converting)
What Makes People Buy
The magic question in the online world is this: “How do you encourage people to buy?”
The answer of course is a bit complicated. But there’s one formula you can think about to help encourage sales or sign-ups.
Your future customer or clients must like you. They must want to vibe with you. After all, there are loads of other coaches out there. For this, it’s important that you set yourself apart with your visuals and language.
Your future customers want to feel like they know you. But that requires you to show up and be seen. Do you share your story? Do you tell them how you got here?
Any potential buyer wants to make sure they’re making the right purchase. That means they want to know that you show up regularly (and won’t just drop off the face of the earth). That also means that you can show off your testimonials or other forms of social proof as evidence that your stuff works.
Keep these three elements in mind as you build out your website. You might already be doing that on your Instagram and assume that everyone already knows you. But that’s not true. You must look at your website as its own stand-alone entity. Ask yourself: if someone just landed here without seeing you anywhere else, would they understand who you are and what you do?
5 Elements You Need To Make A High-Converting Website
Creating a website sounds fun enough until you get going on it. Then it can quickly become overwhelming. Not only are you designing it (possibly from scratch) but you must also decide on what elements to include.
In a world where a website can include all kinds of information, it’s important to get your basics right and not overcomplicate things. Here are my recommendations for the perfect high-converting website for coaches, service providers, and creatives.
1. Informative Front Page / Homepage
For this, think: one-page website. You want people to get almost everything they need to know about you without clicking away.
Here’s a good question to ask to help gauge if you’re getting it right: If you eliminated all the other pages, would this one page do the trick? Not everyone will click through to read your about page, etc. So try to make this page simple and clear.
Also, if you’re really strapped for time (or tech skills) creating this one page alone is enough to launch your new website.
2. About Page
Next, let’s share your story with the world. While you should make it clear who you are and what you do on your homepage, your about page is where you can tell your story in more detail.
The big trick here is to remember that even this page is about your clients or customers–not you.
Where did you begin? What did you struggle with? What was your big A-Ha Moment? Think about how you can illustrate your own journey in a way that relates to your audience.
After you accomplish that, it’s wonderful to throw in a few fun details that show off your personality and vibe.
3. Show Your Expertise
Your website is the best place for you to show off your knowledge and expertise. Fortunately, there are a lot of ways to do that! Think: blog posts, podcast episodes or a YouTube series.
If you’re just getting started, don’t sweat it. You don’t have to write about everything in your niche or field! But think about what are some basic questions your audience might have and how you feel best sharing information. If you’re a natural talker, do a podcast! If you love to write, do a blog post series. (You can also mix and match here if you like!)
For now, just go with what feels doable and comfortable for you. You can always add in another information stream later.
4. Client Results
Remember, we want to get our potential clients and customers to trust us. That’s where client results come in. At the end of it all, your people want to know that you will deliver what you promise. The best way to showcase that is to show how you’ve helped other people.
This might be a simple testimonial. Or you might want to create a detail page for each client result journey.
Again, in the begining, keeping as simple as possible is best. Oh, and if you don’t have any results to show, go get some! Interview a past client and get their permission to share. In the beginning, people often trade free or deeply discounted work in exchange for these testimonials. Yes, that’s how valuable they are!
5. Your Free Mini Offer
Your main objective is to keep your ideal customer or clients around. One of the best ways to do that is to get them onto your mailing list.
The art of email mailing lists is a whole thing unto itself. But even if you’re not ready for sales funnels, you can start collecting email addresses.
The best way to do that is to offer something in exchange for that email. The catch: it actually has to offer value. Some basic seen-it-all-before type offer is not going to do it.
So get creative! What’s one small win you can help your readers with today? If you can figure out how to deliver that (via pdf, video, free course module, etc.) you’re golden.
Don’t Forget The SEO
You can have the prettiest site in the world, but if Google doesn’t like you, it’s not going to do you much good. That means, you have to learn how to play nicely with Google at least a little bit. The way you do that is through SEO – Search Engine Optimization.
Yes, it sounds big and scary but it’s not as overwhelming as you think! (I’ll talk more about this in a future blog post.) For now, have a think about what people would be typing into Google in order to find you (other than your business name that is).
With a simple SEO strategy, you can get your site to rank on Google and start pulling in those exact people–for free! (This is another reason why I suggest concentrating more on your website than Instagram in the beginning of your business.)
Final Thoughts
So that’s it! Do you feel more confident about building your website? I hope so! Remember, that Rome wasn’t built in a day. Don’t look at your website as something you have to get 100% perfect before you start your business. Think of it as a work in progress that can grow along side you.
Just as long as you concentrate on these basics right, you’re going a long way to finding your exact customers and creating more money in your bank account!

Ready for more? Check out this post about 100 Instagram post ideas for entrepreneurs, personal branding tips or this one about how to build your brand.
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