How I Became A Manifestation Coach
When I started The Aligned Life, I had no idea just what this whole thing would eventually turn into.
I’ve told this story before but I’ll tell it again.
It all started with me writing a book. I dreamt of moving to Berlin and writing a book, which would immediately make me rich and famous of course.
Spoiler alert: it didn’t exactly work out that way!
Back then, I wanted to write about what I called Conscious Design: which is basically the art of using your home as a tool to help you fulfill your highest potential. While I still 100% believe in that idea, somewhere along the way I realized I just wanted to talk about personal development and manifestation. The design part was fun too but it was the inner transformation that meant the most to me.
So it was even a few years after I started this blog that I realized that I was really a life coach in disguise.
But while it became clear that my mission was to help people, I was still rather shy and not-so-confident in my message.
When I first started out I suffered from imposter syndrome: feeling like someone was going to call me out for being a coach or even wondering if I had anything to offer to help people with at all.
I have a degree in psychology after all! And back when I was going to school life coaching was something people didn’t take seriously. You had to be a Serious Therapist or nothing (and I figured out before I’d even finished school that being a Serious Therapist was not for me).
Basically, while I loved coaching and loved manifestation and loved helping people I still didn’t really think that Manifestation Coaching was a thing. I still had a hard time believing that this stuff that I love to talk about so much was actually something that other people would pay me to help them with.
Fast forward to today–where they do exactly that! I eventually got over all my own insecurities about coaching and started to share my unique message with the world. And it worked.
But perhaps you’re here today because you want to do the same thing! Well good news: it does not have to take you the years of growth and struggle that I went through. I don’t regret my journey at all because it eventually gave me courage and confidence. But I also know that I can share a few tips with you that will help you to do what I did a whole lot faster.
3 Tips For Getting Started As A Manifestation Coach
3 Tips For Getting Started As A Manifestation Coach
Work On Your Mindset
Mindset is a huge part of what I teach today. But to be honest? It’s not what I focused on in the beginning. Instead, I got real busy learning what I could (for free) from all the marketing gurus out there (as well as getting some coaching certifications)–but that mostly resulted in me getting confused, feeling even more insecure, and not making the huge impact that I really wanted to.
While there are tons of people out there with a ton of impactful knowledge, let’s be real: sometimes signing up for all the freebies is just a sign that you don’t believe that you’re already enough.
You think: I just need to learn how to tweak my copy or get my branding right or get more followers on Instagram AND THEN the customers/clients will come. But you can do all that stuff until you’re blue in the face and it still won’t create the confidence you need.
Yes, marketing funnels and strategies have their place in your success roadmap. But first and foremost, focus on creating a stronger level of belief in yourself. Because if you have that, people can smell it on you and it will make you compelling no matter what you do.
3 Tips For Getting Started As A Manifestation Coach
Know Who You’re Serving
Besides getting your mindset right, it’s crucial to know exactly who you’re serving.
Hint: the answer is not everybody. If you’re trying to sell tarot card readings to your friends’ aunt, the teenager down the hall, and a few of your work friends, you are definitely getting this wrong.
In the beginning, it’s tempting to want to serve everyone because you think you can’t say no to money. But actually, trying to make marketing that appeals to everyone is a trap. You end up with blah marketing that makes zero impact on anyone.
It’s much better to make an impact on one kind of person. When you spark that connection through your vibe and your words, people will automatically feel connected to you–and that makes them way more likely to actually open up their wallets too.
(And as a bonus, this is really you getting to decide on the exact kind of person that you want to work with! Which is life and business design magic at its very best.)
3 Tips For Getting Started As A Manifestation Coach
Start Speaking Their Language
Telling people you’re a coach is a great first step! But part of creating a successful business is becoming a person who’s really good at marketing. Basically, this game is all about creating a need in the people you want to serve.
Right now, your dream client is probably not lying in bed at night thinking, “Oh I just really need a Manifestation Coach!” Instead, they’re thinking: “God, I’m so tired of being single.” Or “I really want to start that business I’ve been thinking about.” Or “I really want to buy that car I’ve had my eye on and I need to figure out how I can afford it!”
As a coach, you can probably help all of those people do all of those things. But if you just keep saying “Hey I’m a coach! Hire me!” those very same people are probably not going to make that mental leap for themselves.
It’s up to you to connect the dots: here’s the problem you’re having and here’s how I can help you. It’s a simple tweak that takes you one step farther than just saying “I’m a coach!” but it will make all the difference to your results.
Are you looking for someone to hold your hand through the rollercoaster ride of starting your own coaching business? My business intensive is PERFECT for you! This two-hour session will give you laser focus and create the perfect foundation to build your success from. Grab your spot here!
If you’ve read this post today, I know you’ve got something inside you telling you to go for it. While starting your online business can be tricky, don’t let the little bumps in the road prevent you from sharing your gifts. You were born to do this my dear. So it’s time to become brave and get started!

Read This Next:
Check out this post about 3 reasons why you don’t have coaching clients or this one about how to build your coaching business from scratch.
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