6 Ways To Build Your Business Without Social Media
Can you build a successful business in 2024 without social media? The answer is yes and today we’re going to talk all about it!
Look: it’s not that there’s anything wrong with social media. Many people love social media and love to promote their businesses that way. I still use social media too! However, it’s not the only way to build a successful coaching or spiritual business. Many thriving businesses have flourished without a significant social media presence.
But first, let’s talk for a minute about why social media sucks:
3 Reasons Why Social Media Sucks For Small Business
Social media started off as a wonderful way to promote small businesses. “You mean I can talk to people around the world…for free?” However, the days of getting massive reach for nothing are difficult to find. (Arguably you can still find them on TikTok but I imagine that will change soon!)
Here are a few reasons why social media sucks for business promotion:
1. They Want You To Pay
As soon as big business like Facebook realized that people were making money from their platforms, they wanted part of the pie. So they began to reduce your reach unless you paid for it. That might make sense for huge companies like Coca Cola. However, for small solopreneur businesses it might not be feasible to spend money on boosting posts, especially if you’re just starting out.
2. They Make The Rules
When you play on social media, you must play by the social media company’s rules. However, those rules might change at any moment. Your account could get removed, you could lose your DMs or the ability to post the way you do now. While you might have a good thing going at the moment on social media, recognize the fact that the playing field can change at any moment–and not always for the better. This is whey I always recommend you build your business primarily off of social media and use social as a secondary source.
3. It’s Never Ending
Have you seen the average time a social media post is seen?
Did you know the average life span of an Instagram post is only 48 hours? 😱😱 That means that after all the work you did writing a caption and making a great image will be internet dust before you know it.
The stats for social media aren’t great. But here’s the real rub: Instagram’s latest advice is to post 2 feed posts a week, 3 Instagram stories and 2 reels. Let’s be real: that’s actually a lot of work.
At a certain point, many of us entrepreneurs have to ask: Is this the best use of my time?
For me, the answer is definitely no. Again, it’s not that I never post but I am more strategic about what and where I post. No more stressing about getting an Instagram feed post up every day!
6 Ways To Build Your Business Without Social Media
Fortunately, Instagram doesn’t rule the whole world! Whether you’re ready to get off the social media train forever or are just looking to use your time to focus on what matters, these social-media free suggestions will help you to build your business:
1. Website + Email
I always recommend every entrepreneur starts by building their own website. This is your true real estate online! It’s a way to present yourself as a professional and show that you’re an expert in your field.
Combine that with the power of an email mailing list, and you have business basics that will stand the test of time.
2. Evergreen Funnels
When you think about funnels, you usually think about building revenue for your business. Of course, they are great at doing that! But the right evergreen funnel will keep new people flocking to your business without you lifting a finger.
Even the right low-cost offer can do so much to build your email list and visibility over time! So if you haven’t yet thought about building a funnel, now’s the time.
3. Podcasts
Podcasts are one of the best ways to introduce yourself to new potential clients and customers. Just a picture of you on a page is great. But when people can hear you talk and feel your passion for your work, you become even more enticing.
Plus, podcasts are evergreen! You can record a new podcast this week that people will potentially listen to for years.
Start thinking about who you’d love to speak to and consider sending a few pitches! You just never know.
4. Combination Offers
Another great way to expand your reach is to team up with another person in your field (or an adjacent field) for a promotion or offering. Perhaps you each add a product to a bundle and sell it together or maybe you both provide free workshops that you promote to each others audiences.
Pick the right partner and be sure to go over all the details together to ensure this is a win/win!
5. PR/Paid Ads/Placements
Lastly, paying for exposure is another way to go. That could mean anything from paying a PR professional to promoting yourself through ads on Instagram or paying for an ad or interview on someone else’s podcast or YouTube channel.
However, this is a better option for those who have already been building their businesses for a minute, not total newbies. I definitely don’t recommend paying for exposure until you have your business basics down!
6. Networking Events
If you offer a service that you do one-on-one, networking events can offer a great way to build your business. This will not only connect you to potential clients but will give you a ton of practice talking about yourself and explaining what it is that you do.
Remember, the key to success is to identify the channels and strategies that best align with your target audience and business goals. While social media can be a valuable tool, it’s essential to explore other avenues to build a strong and sustainable business.
With all that being said, I still do use social media. I’m just very selective about how I do that and I suggest you do the same!
Final Thoughts
I hope today’s post has helped you see that there’s a possibility for you to be successful –even without a million Instagram followers! It’s your business and you get to do what you want. So if social doesn’t feel good, don’t sweat it. There’s still room for your success in the online world!

PS – Want more? Check out this post about how to use YouTube to build your business, the most common abundance blocks for entrepreneurs, digital PR basics, or this one about 7 steps to create a digital product that sells.