Entrepreneurs! 9 Success Blocks You Need To Fix
I see you, you crazy big-hearted dreamer!
I meet new spiritual entrepreneurs online every single day and honestly, it makes my heart so happy.
I know you’re all just like me: dreaming of something bigger, wanting to share your gifts and desiring to get out of a career that just isn’t lighting you up.
But the truth is–it’s not always so easy to actually make all of that come true!
If you’re struggling, I just want you to know that you are not alone! I struggled a lot when I was first starting out. Back then, there weren’t nearly as many spiritual entrepreneurs online and I really didn’t have a roadmap for how to create success.
Fortunately, I’ve learned a lot over the years. And that’s part of why I share my soulpreneur business knowledge here with you.
If you’re wondering what’s keeping you stuck, then keep reading! Here are some of the most common success blocks that we all have to face in the online world!
Entrepreneur Success Block #1: You Don’t Grasp Your True Worth
Unfortunately, we live in a society that very much decides our worth based on how much money we make. (Take any dismissive comment about “flipping burgers” for example!) While empirically we might understand that this isn’t actually true, this belief is so deeply embedded that we don’t even question it.
Here’s the problem: When you’re first starting, you have all the great intentions in the world but you haven’t yet “proven” yourself–at least, as far as money is concerned. It’s all too easy to believe that your lack of paying customers or clients means that you’re not worthy of charging money or that you’re just not meant to do what you really want to do.
Remember, your self-worth is generated by, you and you alone. In the beginning, you really have to work on holding onto your vision of your successful Future You before you have any evidence. Sounds bonkers I know but trust me: it’s the only way to get unstuck here!
Entrepreneur Success Block #2: You Feeling Icky About Selling
When you imagined your business, chances are that you imagined a steady flow of clients and customers that just somehow magically appeared for you. That just goes to show that very few of us think about the act of selling before we have to (you know!) go out there and actually sell.
You probably have some weird feelings about doing that. After all, when you think of people trying to sell something you’re probably thinking of people selling knives in Walmart or the stereotypical image of an aggressive car salesman. And neither of those things feels like something you want to do!
The good news is that just like there’s a lot of ways to build a business, there’s also a lot of different ways to sell.
For me, as a spiritual entrepreneur, what really works is to think of selling as just another act of service. After all, you’re not trying to sell your stuff to people who aren’t a great fit! You genuinely want to heal or help and all selling does is allow you to do that.
Entrepreneur Success Block #3: You’re Constantly Switchng Niches Or Offering New Products/Programs
Pssst..this one’s just the fear of selling in disguise. 95% of the time the reason you’re not making money in your business is not because your program sucks or you’re in the wrong niche. It’s because you simply haven’t started truly selling and marketing yourself in the right way. (If at all!)
It’s so much easier to believe that if you just offer the right thing, the selling and marketing won’t even be necessary. But that’s not true! Those things are always necessary for business success. Changing niches and programs will not help you get over that fear. You’re really just taking the same problem with you wherever you go. It’s just taking your time and attention away from the problem that you actually need to solve and prolonging the time period before you start making money. So time to snap out of it and focus on what’s actually important.
Entrepreneur Success Block #4: You’re Afraid To Share The Real You
Confession time: I didn’t post a single picture of myself on my blog or Instagram account for at least two years. I was convinced I could be the invisible face behind the brand and still be successful. (Newsflash: I was wrong.)
Here’s the thing: we buy from major brands like Lululemon or Starbucks because we already have long relationships with them and a firm idea about what buying from these places means about us. But like it or not, underneath it all there’s always an emotional connection: we want to be that healthy hot yogi or the successful on-the-go career woman with grande in hand.
When you start building your brand online, you need this emotional connection too. Problem is, it won’t just happen if you hide yourself away like I used to. It also won’t happen if you post 20 selfies of you smiling without context or a bunch of Seen-It-Before quotes from other people.
Yes, your smiling face is important but what’s more important is your personality and your story. What defines you? What do you want people to think of when they see you? How can you start sharing more of your unique story and vibe?
FYI, you don’t need to slip into oversharing territory. But even the smallest glimpses of the real you can go a long way to creating that emotional resonance.
Entrepreneur Success Block #5: You’re Overgiving
I get it, sweetie: when you finally land that customer or client you’re just so damn excited to have them onboard. So you want to knock their socks off by giving them the world and more.
First things first: of course we want to show up and deliver exactly what we said we would to our clients. But when you start falling into that extra people-pleaser mode, it’s really a sign that you’re not clear on your value.
Overgiving is really a fawning response: I really want you to like me so I’m going to do everything to make that happen. But the truth is: this kind of behavior does not instill confidence in the minds of your customers or clients.
Think of this relationship as being somewhat like dating: if you went on one date with someone and they immediately wanted you to spend all your weekends with them and give you the keys to their flat, you’d probably (and rightfully) be creeped out. The Too Much Too Soon approach immediately signals that something in the relationship is off, even if they can’t quite put their finger on why.
You can be a perfectly competent coach or healer simply by doing exactly what you promised to do, and not by throwing in extra out of fear of not-enoughness.
Entrepreneur Success Block #6: You’re Constantly Looking At Other People’s Follower Count
The world of social media has conditioned us to believe the follows and likes on our posts actually mean something. While I think at some point in time they did, these days I honestly don’t believe it all means that much.
However, the part of your brain that loves to play the comparison game might not see it that way! Of course, it’s natural to look around and be curious about what other people in your field have going on. The problem is that the glossy photos and the numbers on the accounts don’t actually tell the whole story.
I’ve mentioned it before and it’s still 100% true: many of your favorite coaches and wellness influencers have a ton of fake followers. Go watch the Fake Famous documentary and learn just how easy this is to do! (You can also run some big names through a fake follower account check online to see what I mean. I actually highly recommend doing this because you will be downright shocked at how common it is!)
Always remember that likes and follower numbers don’t actually mean that much. They definitely do not necessarily indicate a thing about someone’s actual business success.
While this curiosity is normal, you don’t have to believe the terrible stories your brain makes up about why your numbers aren’t as high! It’s actually way more productive to just remind yourself of who your audience actually is and to just continue to make content that serves them. Fake followers might impress the world but they will never actually pay your bills. This is just a sign to get your eyes back on the real prize.
Entrepreneur Success Block #7: You’re Only Talking About Your Product Or Service
Talking too much about your product or service might not seem like a block, but trust me it is. Just showing up day after day and saying: “I’m a coach” or “I’m a tarot card reader” is not enough to make people actually open their wallets and throw their credit cards at you. Sure, you might be a coach or a healer or a tarot card reader but there’s much more to it. The more important question is always: what do you really do for your people?
I know that to you this seems obvious. But to your potential clients and customers, it isn’t. What will your person get from a coaching session or package with you? How will they feel after they leave your tarot reading or energy healing or Reiki or Akashic record reading?
On top of the bare bones of the service you offer, there is The Secret Sauce you are giving your people. If you can find that and share it, your potential clients will be much more interested to actually work with you.
Entrepreneur Success Block #8: You’re Telling Yourself “People can’t afford X”
Yes, underpricing yourself and your work is one of the biggest success blocks at all. This one’s tricky because it feels like “you’re just thinking about your clients”. But it’s much more likely that you’re just living in fear of charging your true worth. (Again!)
When we believe in our clients blocks to success, we’re just helping them to live in the same circumstances that created the life they have now. Part of your job as a coach or healer is creating the space for your person to rise above what they think is possible. For many people, that process begins long before your actual session or service. It actually begins in the moment they decide to invest in themselves.
Think about it this way: how many free checklists, programs, or webinars have you signed up for but never actually even read or watched? I’m guessing quite a few! And it’s not because those things were bad in any way. It’s simply because our brain automatically places more value on things that we pay for, without us even realizing it. When we get something that’s free, very often our brain skims right over it assuming there’s no real value even when there is.
If you’ve ever experienced the frustration of sending a freebie to your list that few people bothered to open, this is part of the reason why. We will always value what we invest in–and when it comes to business, that includes you. If you gave away your services for free, you’d better believe you’d get no-shows and people not bothering to finish. By charging money, there’s a way higher chance that your people will take the transformation seriously.
Entrepreneur Success Block #9: You Keep Thinking: “Just Tell Me What To Do”
A quick perusal through Instagram and you will be bombarded with “5 Easy Steps To Business Success” or “Find Out How I Made $10k Last Month!” There’s always some new formula or technology or coach that seems to have it all figured out. They’re always promising that if you just follow this “foolproof formula” the success you so desire will finally arrive.
One tiny problem though: There is no foolproof formula. Ever. Period! You can follow that coach’s exact footsteps or you could buy the new miracle tech software and still not get the exact results you want.
It’s not that those people are wrong or are lying or that they’re trying to swindle you. But the plain uncomfortable truth about the business world is that we all have to figure out our own path to success. This is exactly why mindset is so important. It’s your attitude and expectations above all else that create your results, not someone’s Instagram story formulas or email sequence.
In the end, believing that someone else has all the answers is just you trying to avoid the most important work of all: figuring out what works best for your unique audience. There is no other you out there after all! And it’s solely up to you to figure out how to make your business take-off.
I hope that reading this will help you to diagnose your own business blocks. You really can do this my friend, so keep going and don’t let the bumps in the road discourage you!

Read This Next:
Check out this post about 10 abundance blocks for entrepreneurs or this one about elements of a high-converting website.
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Good mood and good luck to everyone!!!!!